My passion is reversing the impact of unknown neurodiversity, including Cassandra Syndrome, and being YOU in your relationship and your life!
I’ve been with my husband, Pete for more than 25 years. Neurodiversity arrived in our story in 2014 and I began to realise the impact of unknown neurodiversity, accumulated stress and unhealthy relationship dynamics on both of us, our relationship and our family. I also felt like I’d landed in a new place with no map to navigate it!
Since then, I’ve discovered a map and charted a new course that became quite the adventure! Self-discovery, self-love and living life more confidently found themselves at the top of my to-do list. Now I support others navigating this unexpected journey so they can revive themselves and live the life they’ve dreamed of. Pete and I are still together, thriving in ways I couldn’t have imagined 10 years ago! ✨