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Struggling In Your Neurodiverse Relationship? Navigating Autism/ADHD or both?

Scared to make changes? Walking on eggshells? Feeling desperately resentful and misunderstood? Questioning your own sanity? Losing hope of things ever getting better?

If all this sounds scarily familiar, begin your healing journey and do something for yourself… right now!

Take the Good Relationship Test

Cassandra Syndrome/OTRS is Reversible.

the impact of unknown neurodiversity is reversible once you know about it

Hello! I’m Natalie, internationally renowned Coach and Mentor, supporting individuals in neurodiverse relationships whose partner isn’t interested in sorting out the hamster wheel of unresolved issues. Be you again, recover from the stress of it all up to now and discover healthier ways to relate with loved ones.

I’m an award-winning Accredited Master Coach. I’ve been coaching and mentoring for more than 20 years and my neurodiverse relationship coaching is recommended by Tony Attwood. In the UK, I’m listed on the National Autistic Society professional directory.

Awarded MasterCoach Coach Of The Year in 2018, my story of recovery from Cassandra Syndrome/OTRS was published the following year in Courage: Stories of Darkness to Light.

hand drawn star with little sparkles Read my published chapter in full here!

My passion is reversing the impact of unknown neurodiversity, including Cassandra Syndrome, and being YOU in your relationship and your life!

I’ve been with Pete for more than 25 years. Neurodiversity arrived in our story in 2014 and I began to realise the impact of unknown neurodiversity, accumulated stress and unhealthy relationship dynamics on both of us, our relationship and our family. I also felt like I’d landed in a new place with no map to navigate it!

Since then, I’ve discovered a map and charted a new course that became quite the adventure! Self-discovery, self-love and living life more confidently found themselves at the top of my to-do list. Now I support others navigating this unexpected journey so they can revive themselves and live the life they’ve dreamed of. I’m thriving now in ways I couldn’t have imagined 10 years ago! ✨

Cassandra Syndrome/OTRS is Reversible

There is Hope

Cassandra Syndrome/OTRS is a reaction to a situation you didn’t know you were in. It can be reversed. With new insight, awareness, perspectives, tools and strategies, you can unravel the mystery, of the relationship and yourself, restore your wellbeing and begin to live with purpose and flourish.

Ready to Be YOU Again and Thrive?

You Don’t Have to Navigate This Journey Alone


Talk about your current situation and decide your next right step that works for you and your family


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Join Loving Difference, my all-online coaching programme, with others recovering and
navigating the same issues as you

£149/$189 per month

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Sharing new perspectives, hope and encouragement

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You are like a guardian angel. You beam hope and positivity, and banish fear, wherever you tread.


I’ve got my self-esteem, vitality and enthusiasm back! I'm happier and more confident, with new awareness and tools to respond differently to what’s been so challenging.


15+ professionals and Natalie’s been the only one to give me the tools and understanding I desperately needed. She's lived it and she knows what works.


Natalie’s in a class of her own! Gently steering me from the brink of divorce, she’s changed my life beyond my wildest expectations!


The impact you've had on our lives in such a short time is indescribable.


Natalie gave me tools to face situations and deal with them. I was scared in my relationship and in my life, now I'm not. Go for it!


I didn’t recognise who I’d become – lost, miserable, resentful. Now I’m happier and calmer. Natalie helped me follow through on better decisions about how I live my life.


Natalie is caring and gently challenging. My life was a 2 out of 10, now it’s closer to a 10! Natalie can really help you transform your life!


Natalie's empowering questions pointed me in a new direction fast! Combined with new models and strategies, you can move from what’s painful towards who you want to be.


Natalie's made it possible for me to become more than it would ever have been possible for me to become by myself!


Discover The Top 10 Unhealthy Habits Holding You Back In Your Neurodiverse Relationship …and Tips For A Happier Life

Download Your Free Report

This report highlights the most common unhealthy habits that may be holding you back, so you can avoid them. I can assure you, I’ve been through every one of these and there’s a positive end. I’m here to help you face it and overcome it … so gift yourself some time, have a read and let me know what you think.

Teresa said: “Thank you for the brilliant report. I couldn’t stop reading it!”

Most painful is losing yourself in the process of loving someone and forgetting that you are special too – begin the change today.

On the Blog


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Ready to turn toes together?

Look where you’re standing right now, move only your toes and change direction a little. When you’ve ‘turned toes’, even slightly, the view ahead will not look exactly the same as before. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. I’m here every step by step of the way.

Your Next Step